Wednesday, November 23, 2016

From Science to Accountancy to Science. (I'm BACK!)

In the name of Allah, The Most Merciful, Most Gracious. 

Assalamualaikum and hi! 

im back i'm back im back bitches

Ummm. Where do I start... Well, it has been so effing (xD) long since my last post in this blog. Not that I'd intended to stop writing whatsoever. It is just that I feel like there isn't anything interesting that have been going on in my life for these past few years that I am willing to share. 

Now let's stop beating around the bush shall we? Kahkah.

The reason why I finally started writing again is because one of my wishes came true. Lol this might sound ridiculous but the "wish" of mine that inspired me to write this blog post is I had promised to myself that if I got dean's list for the 1st and 2nd semester in Food Technology's course, I am obliged to write an entry in this blog. (What kind of wish is that right. Muahaha).

*WARNING* This post might be TOO LONG!

For those who knew me, they would probably know that I have further my studies in Accounting at UiTM Sabah even though I took Science Stream during my high school. But for those who are close to me, they knew that I had changed my course from Accounting to Science again (Food Technology). LOL.

So actually, this is the point on why I promised myself to write a blog post if my wish of getting dean's list is achieved, which is why I quit taking the Accountancy course during the fourth semester in UiTM. 

To be honest, I'm not really interested in studying accounting. Then why the hell did you accept the study offer? I accepted the study offer because I saw many of my friends have furthered their studies to the next level after SPM. Although Accounting was not my first choice in UPU, (I put Science as my first choice) I force myself to continue my studies in that course. And also because I want to be like everyone else who managed to further their studies.The problem is that, my love for science has been growing since I'm in primary school. And as you can see in my 2012 entry which is NOW or NEVER!, I have stated that my ambition is to be a dietitian. So when I got the offer to study in Accounting, I'm a bit disappointed. (Very disappointed if you ask me). However, I've tried to be positive because I know that there are certain things that you need to force or as I can say, you need to fake it til' you make it!

(I actually want to talk a lot about my experiences during studying Accounting but I think it is not necessary).

Okay, so cut to the chase;

I didn't even like Accounting even though I had forced myself to accept my fate and move on (kahkahkah). But there are some subjects of Accounting that I actually like which is Business Mathematics, Microeconomics, Fundamentals of Business Management, Cost Accounting 1 and Introduction to Business Management. As for the Accounting itself, which is Financial Accounting One, Two and Three, I didn't really like it. Hahaha. For me, I love to study or learn about something that actually matters to life. I'm not saying that when you love Accounting, you don't care about life. Because some of the importance of accountancy are that you can maintain your business enterprise or you can learn about how to gain profit successfully and even learned about record keeping which is crucial when running a business. What I meant when I mentioned that I love to study things that are related to life was, well, science is a knowledge about or the study of the natural world based on facts that are learned through experiments and observations. (Such as Biology where it means that it is "the study of life").

Suddenly I realized that even after I fake my love in accountancy until I am in the third semester, I still didn't find accountancy appealing. And that is when I truly understand the meaning of "Do/Chase What You Love". Because in the end, we only regret the chances we didn't take.

Gambaq2 ni sebenaqnya merupakan beberapa motivation words yang buat saya really moved untuk kejar apa yg saya suka selama ni. I don't deny that sometimes you have to force yourself doing things you don't enjoy cuhs who knows, in the end, you might love doing it. But you need to understand bahawa bukan semua benda boleh paksa. Selagi benda tu halal, then go for it, right?

Now let me tell ya about my final examination results throughout the semester. For the 1st semester, I managed to get a grade point average of 3.28. And my GPA is decreasing as the semester increases. Hahaha. In semester two, I only got a GPA of 2.89 and for the third semester, I got 2.6++ (I don't remember). And that is when I know I need to pull myself together or continue to pursue my dream in becoming a dietitian or at least studying in the science field again. Apparently, I took the second option and discuss it with my dad whether he'll bless my decision or not. And of course I have prayed to Allah for guiding me which decision is better. 

After my dad gave his blessings, I quickly searched for UPU offerings and then I've found out about the course of Food Technology. So without hesitating, I went to the HEP building of UiTM to confirm my withdrawal from UiTM. After the withdrawal was successful, I applied to UPU and had put Food Technology as my first choice. Alhamdulillah with Allah's help, I was offered to study in Food Technology course at Semambu, Kuantan, Pahang. AND I AM SO HAPPY & GRATEFUL WITH MY DECISION, THANKS TO ALLAH.

*Throughout my battle (ceh) in deciding whether it is a right move to quit accountancy or not, there are several of my friends whom I've shared my identity crisis with (muahaha) *besides my suppportive mum and my siblings. To be honest, without them, their encouragement and support and how a great listener they are, I would not be able to bravely confront my dad about my mixed feelings. Because like seriously am I going to waste my second year of studying accounting just like that? Is my decision worth it? Well, that amazing people who were always there when I need them are ARR and MDAI. (It is their initials. Haha). Don't get me wrong, banyak lagi kawan rapat lain yg sentiasa ada bila aku perlukan. Cuma bezanya dengan 2 orang ni ialah sebab dengan dorang, I am more comfortable to share any of my problems with).

So, I think the best way to end this entry is by showing you my final examination result of Food Technology.
Well, here it is 😃 :

Alhamdulillah walaupun tidak tinggi sangat, tapi I bersyukur dan puas hati. Kepandaian bukan terletak atas pointer semata-mata kan. For me, I think what is more important is that you know what you are doing and where you are heading next! :D and don't forget about akhirah as well.

Sekian, ma'assalamah!

P/S: If you have anything to ask, just ask okay. Whether it's related to my course or not. Hehe.

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Why Should People Aim to become a Millionaire before the age of thirty five?

In the name of Allah.

Assalamualaikum! ^_^

Hehe. I know there are many people out there won't care about this post. Hoho. But someone do care :D Haa -.-
But before that, I bet there will be many mistakes in my following essay. So please rectify and forgive me okay? :)

Let's get started! 

 Why Should People Aim to become a Millionaire before the age of thirty five?

     In our day and age, things are getting more expensive. It makes the cost of living is getting higher. That means people cannot live without money. We need money to purchase foods to survive, material items, high quality of medical care and even some entertainment. Millionaires also tend to donate or do charities. We also can't deny that money is the important matter for us to get a better education. Some people also thought that money is the measure of success in life. That is why people should be exposed to the benefits of becoming  a millionaire and why we should be a millionaire.

     First of all, people who are rich will manage to get a better living. As we know, the prices of organic food at the supermarkets are usually higher than any regular food. It is because, organic food contains many nutritional content than regular food. By having more money, we will easily buy organic food. Not just that, of course when we are rich, we would not be worrying about electric or water bill payments. Furthermore, millionaires can get a high quality of medical care without even worrying about the cost. A better living also means that our body is healthier and fit. A millionaire can afford gym equipment or even hire a trainer to help them get in shape.

     Next, millionaires can do some charities and donations to help people in need. Nowadays, the cost of living is getting higher so some people with a low salary need more money to purchase things they need. Some poor people even starving to get food. More over, many people out there need to get a better medical treatments but they do not have enough money to afford it. So if we became a millionaire, we can do as many donations as we wish to help others who live in poverty. By doing that, more people around us will become happier and can stop worrying about money as well as living a healthier lifestyle.

     For instance, we can gain more knowledge by becoming a millionaire. We will easily getting involved in some kind of activities and don't have to worry about tuition fees or any payments. Nevertheless, millionaires get to travel around the globe anytime they want. As we know, by travelling around the world, we can gain more experiences and also knowledge. In the same time, we can learn other people's cultures and languages. By getting surrounded in a large group of people, we also can build our charisma skill to a higher level. So, it is proven that millionaires do have the chance to gain more knowledge.

     Last but not least, if we became a millionaire, we managed to get a better education. In today's world, it is crucial to get a high quality education because education is the knowledge of putting one's potentials to a maximum use. There are many people who need money to further their studies to the next level. For example, rich people are more likely to get the chance to choose where they want to study, get a bachelor or master degree. This is because, they can afford it. In addition, rich people may provide their kids a better education as well. Not everyone have the money to send their children to a homeschool or private school. Basically, home-schooled or private school kids have better education.

     In conclusion, it is extremely important for us to set a goal to become a millionaire before the age of thirty five as it gives us many advantages. More over, it is easier to get what we need if we became richer. In addition, we can ask somebody to help us doing some things easier and faster by paying them. We also don't have to worry about matters related to money. Some people also thought that money is the measure of success in life. But even though we became a millionaire, we need to remember that there is a quote that says, "The love of money is the root of all evil" and there is also a Japanese proverb which states, "When you have money, think of the time when you had none." So spend money wisely and don't let the money rules us.

Let Your Words Heal and Not Wound :)

Bismillahirrahmanirrahim :)

Assalamualaikum !

Hey there! Sudah sekian lama saya tidak menulis post baru. Hoho. ( Rasanya lebih baik saya tulis dalam English kan. Walaupun mungkin ada kesalahan tatabahasa. Haha. Sebab kalau saya tulis dalam Bahasa Melayu, saya dapati bahawa penulisan saya agak skema -.- dan saya kurang menggemarinya. Tapi kalau buat karangan BM, itu memang 'fevret' la. Jadi, teruskan pembacaan anda. Hohoho :D )


Mmm, actually, I've been working on this title for such a long time. I still don't have the idea on what to write about *Let your words heal and not wound*.  So I have decided to write about my friends. But not in this entry. In the next entry of course. Well, writing about friends do related with let our words heal, right? I mean, I can use some compliments on my friends to heal them with my words. Haha~. I guess so.

I think I should end my writing now as I need to post about 'something'. I can assume that 'something' as a homework. It's an essay actually. So I am going to sleep pretty late today -.-
That's all for now! See ya in the next hour! Hee~ :D

01:34 am / Sunday ~

Friday, July 26, 2013

10 Amalan Terbalik [ Ustaz Dr. Zaharuddin Abd Rahman ]

Bismillahirrahmanirrahim. ~

Assalamualaikum ! :)

Jom kita muhasabah balik atau menilai kembali tentang amalan harian kita. Kadang-kadang kita akan dapati

bahawa sesetengah amalan kita terbalik atau bertentangan daripada apa yang dituntut oleh Islam.

Kadangkala kita sendiri tidak sedar ataupun terlalai kerana terikut-ikut budaya hidup orang lain. Nauzubillah.

Oleh yang demikian, mari kita perhatikan beberapa contoh amalan kita yang terbalik.

1.      Amalan kenduri arwah beberapa malam yg dilakukan oleh keluarga 'si mati' selepas sesuatu kematian (malam pertama, kedua, ketiga, ketujuh & seterusnya) adalah terbalik daripada apa yg dianjurkan oleh Rasulullah S.A.W di mana Rasulullah telah menganjurkan agar jiran tetangga membantu memasak makanan untuk keluarga 'si mati' demi meringankan kesusahan & kesedihan mereka. Keluarga tersebut telah ditimpa kesedihan namun terpaksa pula menyediakan makanan & berbelanja utk tetamu yg datang membaca tahlil. Seharusnya kita khuatir sekiranya kita termakan harta anak yatim yg ditinggalkan oleh 'si mati' atau harta peninggalan 'si mati' yg belum dibahagikan kepada yg berhak menurut Islam.

2.      Sekiranya hadir ke Walimatul Urus [Kenduri Kahwin] orang kerap salam berisi (hadiah wang yg diberi semasa bersalam). Kalau tak ada duit hendak dikepit dalam tangan maka segan pula salam tak berisi. Sepatutnya kalau menziarah keluarga 'si mati' yg harus kita beri sedekah. Andai hadir ke kenduri kahwin, tak memberi pun tak apa kerana tuan rumah menjemput datang untuk memberi makan, bukan untuk  ia menambah pendapatan.

3.      Semasa menghadiri majlis pemimpin negara, biasanya kita berpakaian cantik dan segak tetapi apabila menghadap Allah baik di rumah ataupun di masjid, pakaian kita lebih kurang sahaja bahkan ada juga yg tidak berbaju. 

4.      Kalau menjadi tetamu di rumah orang dan diberi jamuan, kita akan rasa segan nak makan sehingga habis apa yg telah dihidangkan kerana rasa malu & segan. Sedangkan apa yg dituntut ialah menghabiskan apa yg dijamu agar tuan rumah gembira dan tidak terasa membazir.

5.      Sekiranya menunaikan solat sunat di masjid, kita menjadi amat rajin namun ketika di rumah, terasa malas. Sedangkan solat sunat sebaiknya dilakukan dengan banyak di rumah seperti yg dianjurkan oleh Rasulullah untuk mengelakkan rasa RIAK.

6.     BULAN PUASA merupakan bulan mendidik nafsu termasuk nafsu makan yg berlebihan tetapi kebanyakan orang mengaku bahawa dalam carta perbelanjaan setiap rumah orang Islam kita akan dapati bahawa perbelanjaan pada bulan puasa adalah yg tertinggi dalam setahun. Sepatutnya perbelanjaan kita dalam bulan Ramadan lah yg sepatutnya terendah.

7.      Kalau hendak mengerjakan haji, kebanyakan orang akan membuat kenduri sebelum bertolak ke Mekah tapi apabila selesai mengerjakan haji dari Mekah, tak buat kenduri pun.Galakan berkenduri dalam Islam antaranya ialah selamat dari bermusafir, maka kenduri akan dilakukan. Bukannya kerana hendak bermusafir maka dibuat kenduri. Atau kita mempunyai tujuan lain ?

8.      Sesetengah ibu bapa amat bimbang sekiranya anak mereka gagal dalam peperiksaan. Maka akan dihantarlah ia ke kelas tuisyen walaupun banyak belanjanya. Tapi kalau anak tak boleh baca Quran atau SOLAT , tak bimbang pula malah tak berminat untuk menghantar anak ke kelas membaca al-Quran atau kelas khas mempelajari Islam. Kita sepatutnya lebih bimbang jika anak tidak mampu membaca al-Quran dengan tajwid yg betul dan lancar atau menunaikan solat. ISLAM IS NUMBER ONE BUT ACADEMIC IS NOT NUMBER TWO either.

9.      Sekiranya bekerja mengejar rezeki Allah siang dan malam, pagi dan petang, wajib pergi kerja. Hujan, ribut, badai, taufan, tsunami (over la pula -.-) tetap diharungi kerana mahu mematuhi peraturan kerja. Tapi kadang2 ke rumah Allah [masjid] tak hujan, tak panas, tak ribut, tak angin taufan, tak hujan batu dll ( :P ) pun tak datang ke masjid sedangkan berjemaah merupakan fardu kifayah (menurut mazhab Syafi'e) dan peraturan Allah. Semoga kita terhindar daripada perbuatan begini. Rezeki Allah diminta tapi hendak ke rumahnya terasa segan dan malas pula. Bagi sesetengah orang la.

                                                           Last but not least,

10.      Sesetengah isteri kalau nak keluar rumah samada dengan suami atak tak, bukan main lagi hang berhias :P. Tetapi kalau duk rumah, MASYAALLAH. Padahal yg dituntut oleh Islam ialah seorang isteri itu harus berhias untuk suaminya, bukan untuk tatapan orang lain. Perbuatan terbalik inilah antara faktor yg menyumbang kepada kejatuhan rumahtangga.

That's all. Cukup dengan contoh-contoh di atas. Jom berlapang dada dan muhasabah diri kembali :D
Sabda Rasulullah S.A.W : "Sampaikanlah daripadaku walaupun satu ayat." (Riwayat Bukhari)


Sabda Rasulullah : "Celakalah bagi mereka yg tidak berubah sedikitpun ke arah kebaikan selepas bulan Ramadan." Jadi mari kita saling mengingatkan apa yang terlupa dan semoga kita tidak tergolong dalam golongan orang yg celaka selepas Ramadan. Nauzubillah.

For more information about Islam by Ustaz Zaharuddin, just click his name. A new tab will be opened. ^_^ 

Wassalam! ~

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

11 Things About Me!!!

In the name of Allah.
Assalamualaikum :)

Hello dear readers! Huhh. It's been sooo long that I haven't update my blog =='
 So, let's get started!

First of all,

Well, I think it'll be fun to play this game. (Game ka juga ni -.-)
I knew about this "11 things" game from Shaira. Hoho.
Thanks a bunch for tagging me yea Shairaaa! :D

Here it comes ... 11 things about me :-

  1. My full name is Siti Syahirah Kawi and people often call me SyaKa, Syake, Syakey, Syako, Syahirah, Syahirah K and so on. Hahaha~
  2. My date of birth is on December 5th 1995.
  3. My height is 162 cm while my weight :P based on last month was 47 kg. Hahohe.
  4. I really love baking, cooking & trying out a new recipe!
  5. My favourite colour is pink, white, black and green.
  6. Hmm. I can say that I am a cat-lover.
  7. I love inspirational quotes.
  8. I am a huge fan of Taylor Swift. Not forgetting our Creator and our Prophet :)
  9. I am eager to be a successful yet righteous dietitian. Biiznillah.
  10. I have 6 siblings and I am the third one.
  11. My heart is already taken by someone. Haha. (I got no idea what to say anymore.)

Okay, here's the questions from Shahirah :-

1. nama manja?

~ Syaka. Ecil :P

2. bangsa atau keturunan?

~Melayu-Sarawak. Bangsa & keturunan ne lainka? Hoho.

3. pakai handphone jenama apa?

~Jenama Nokia aje. X3.

4. suka berblog? kenapa?

~Suka! Emm, sebabnya, I love to share something yang mungkin penting untuk kita tahu and sekadar mengisi masa lapang. :)

5. cita2 jadi apa?

~Pakar Sains Makanan! Hehe. Since pemakanan I pun nda berapa terjaga. Tu laa mahu sangat belajar pasal pemakanan dan nutrition ne.

6. hobi pada masa lapang?

~Whoaa. Biasanya memasak atau buat kek di rumah jaa. Cari2 apa resepi yg sedap, jumpa kawan2, tulis jurnal dan juga muhasabah diri ( sebab I rasa kalau waktu cuti, my daily routine kurang sihat. Haha ) ~

7. kereta idaman?

~Hehe. Ada 3. Pertama, asalkan kereta tu berjenama NISSAN. Kedua, kereta berjenama HONDA. Ketiga, kereta FORD Focus. Muahahaha. ( Kereta idaman jer. Kalau tak dapat pun, I don't care as long as ada kenderaan \(^.^)/ ).

8. ciri-ciri pasangan idaman?

~Cehh. Hehe. Ciri-ciri yg dicari. 
  • Taat pada Allah, Rasul ...
  • Taat dgn parents.
  • Mahir mengaji and mengamalkan banyak surah-surah amalan.
  • Suka kucing, baby.... Penyayang laa tu.
  • Jaga pergaulan dgn opposite sex. ( cuz I mudah rasa 'jealous' if 'huwa' berbual kosong dgn 'orang lain' dlm tempoh yg panjang. Huahua~ ).
  • Setia walau apapun yg terjadi. Hahaha~
  • Paling senang, dapat membimbing atau menguatkan lagi cintaku kepada Allah & Rasul.

9. dulu-dulu time sekolah menengah minat subjek apa? kenapa minat subjek tu?

~Cinta subjek Biology. Suka subjek ne pasal Biology is a study of life. Boleh terima ka sebab yg diberi ne -.-

10. warna kegemaran?

~Pink, Putih, Hitam, Hijau :) 

11. harapan yang ingin dicapai pada 2013?

~ Harapan yg paling utama : Dapat pointer 3.5 ke atas time kat Universiti nnt, InsyaAllah. Dalam harapan tu, ada banyak lagi cabang2 harapan yg lain. Wehee :D

That's all ^_^

Huk aa loo. That's all la sangat. Mengikut peraturan yg ke-4, kita pula create 11 questions.

So here it goes .

  1. Nama panggilan di rumah?
  2. Minat warna apa?
  3. Ciri-ciri sahabat yg dicari?
  4. Ciri-ciri pasangan yg dicari?
  5. Cita-cita ingin menjadi apa dan Kenapa?
  6. Tinggi anda berapa?
  7. Kata-kata hikmah yg amat disukai?
  8. 3 Lagu yg anda suka?
  9. Mahu sambung bidang apa di Univ. nnt?
  10. 2 perkara yg anda suka buat kalau ada masa lapang?
  11. Negara yg anda mahu travel and why?

Ini kalilah! Baru boleh cakap THAT'S ALL :)
Ini dia 11 people yang sy mampu tag ^_^

Kalau takda masa nak jawab pun takpe. Hehe. It's optional ^_^ I just follow the rules. Hee~ 
Okay, itu sahaja!
Tataa !

Wassalam :) ~

Saturday, May 11, 2013

No more Mother's Day! ♥

In the name of Allah, The Most Merciful, Most Gracious~

Peace be upon you :D


Niat asal update blog ni semata-mata untuk buat entry khas untuk MAMA berkenaan Hari Ibu yang bakal disambut pada 12 Mei 2013 :D *hari Ahad ke-2 dalam bulan Mei.

Tapi, Alhamdulillah ana sempat dapat jawapan bahawa Sambutan Hari Ibu adalah HARAM.
Baru harini ana tahu. Hoho. 

Mungkin ramai orang sudah tahu tapi buat mereka yang belum tahu kenapa Sambutan Hari Ibu adalah HARAM, berikut merupakan penjelasannya :D 

♥ ♥ ♥

1. Sejarah hari ibu telah dikenalpasti sebagai perayaan musim bunga orang-orang Greece, sebagai penghormatan terhadap Rhea, ibu kepada tuhan mereka. Pada tahun 1600 orang-orang England merayakan hari yang mereka namakan sebagai "Mothering Sunday". Ia dirayakan pada hari Ahad keempat setiap Lent. Lent adalah tempoh masa selama 40 hari samada dalam bulan Februari atau Mac. Dalam tempoh ini, sebahagian orang-orang Kristian akan berhenti melakukan atau memakan makanan tertentu atas alasan agama. Amalan tersebut adalah sebagai penghormatan mereka terhadap Mother Mary. Mother Mary adalah Maryam, ibu kepada Nabi Isa Alaihissalam atau Jesus yang mereka anggap sebagai tuhan.

2. Amalan dan tradisi ini menular ke seluruh dunia dan ia kini disambut sebagai 
penghormatan kepada Mother Church. Mother Church dianggap sebagai kuasa spiritual yang agung yang memberi manusia kehidupan dan memullihara mereka dari sebarang kecederaan. Sejak dari itu, perayaan Mothering Sunday telah diadun dengan upacara kegerejaan. Penghormatan mereka terhadap ibu sama taraf dengan penghormatan mereka terhadap gereja.

3. Anna Jarvis, dan pendokong-pendokongnya telah menulis surat kepada menteri, golongan peniaga dan ahli-ahli politik agar Hari Ibu disambut secara meluas di seluruh wilayah. Matlamat mereka telah berjaya sepenuhnya pada tahun 1911 apabila hari tersebut disambut oleh hampir keseluruhan wilayah Amerika. Pada tahun 1914, Presiden Woodrow Wilson, secara rasminya telah mengisytiharkan Hari Ibu sebagai Hari cuti umum dan mesti raikan pada setiap hari Ahad kedua dalam bulan Mei. Biarpun sebahagian besar negara-negara di dunia menyambutnya pada hari yang berlainan, tetapi negara seperti Denmark, Finland, Itali, Turki, Australia, dan Belgium masih merayakannya pada setiap hari Ahad kedua dalam bulan Mei.

 ♥ ♥

Hehe. Panjang kaaan? Sebenarnya lebih panjang drpd ni tapi ana ambil yg ringkas dan padat jak.

*Otak tengah mencari ayat yg gramatis* -.- 

Nabi shallallahu 'alaihi wasallam bersabda,

مَنْ تَشَبَّهَ بِقَوْمٍ فَهُوَ مِنْهُمْ

Barangsiapa menyerupai suatu kaum, maka ia termasuk golongan mereka. (HR. Abu Dawud, Ahmad dan dishahihkan Ibnu Hibban. Ibnu Taimiyah menyebutkannya dalam kitabnya Al-Iqtidha’ dan Fatawanya. Dishahihkan oleh Al-Albani dalam Shahih al-Jami’ no. 2831 dan 6149)

No more Mother's Day ! :D

Okay, mesti ada dalam fikiran sesetengah orang bahawa :-
1. Alaa, sambut Hari Ibu kan suatu benda yg baik. Apa salahnya kalau sambut?



Memandangkan begitu, kita boleh buat sendiri hari yang istimewa untuk parents selagi kita mampu berkhidmat dengan diorang ^_^  *(Bagi yang jarang dpt jumpa family laa). Hee~*
I know, bukan selalu dapat terbitkan senyuman di wajah Mama walaupun memang selama ni memang mahu buat Mama tersenyum. Hehe. I will always pray for you and dad, biiznillah.

Dear Mummy,

" Aku tak pandai mengarang puisi,
    Tidak ku pandai bermadah berseri,
Satu kalimah yang ku seikhlas tahu,
Hanyalah ku cinta PADAMU ! "

 THANKS A BUNCH  for everything! I love you SO MUCH Mak^_^  ♥ 

Last but not least, 

Segala yg baik, datang drpd Allah manakala yg buruk dtg drpd hambaNya sendiri.

Buang yg keruh, ambil yg jernih.

Harap dpt beri manfaat.

Ma'assalamah! :)

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Hasta La Vista ! Ahlan Wa Sahlan :)


Assalamualaikum ~

Alright, let's just get straight yeah guys ! Hmm , my first post title in this

month, as you can

see above is = Hasta La Vista and Ahlan Wa Sahlan right ? Now, let me

explain about those title okay ?


It means goodbye. Goodbye for what ? I know you must be sad :( Haha , kidding.

I'm saying goodbye because I guess this will be the last post in this year. I'm doing this


I will be sitting a big examination which is Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia [SPM]. I

need to do my very best and get straight A's or at least 8 A's and above. I

need to master at 11 subject which is,

  1. Bahasa Arab Tinggi
  2. Bahasa Melayu
  3. Bahasa Inggeris
  4. Pendidikan al-Quran dan Al-Sunnah
  5. Pendidikan Syariah Islamiah
  6. Sejarah
  7. Mathematics
  8. Additional Mathematics
  9. Biology
  10. Chemistry
  11. Physics

Not much but not less too. Huhu. So, to get the best and extraordinary

results, I have to do the best and extraordinary efforts in order to achieve

EXCELLENT RESULTS, InsyaAllah. By the way, I will start blogging again

after I've finished my big test, InsyaAllah. Sooner or later, as the SPM student, I will

have a trial test. This test is REALLY REALLY IMPORTANT too. I will have

to compete with another student from different school. May Allah help my



(Niat mesti betul. Jangan kerana inginkan pangkat dan kedudukan. ILMU yang ada di


After this, I have many things to do because I admit, I'm not a genius

person. But as Dr Shukri Abdullah said in his seminar : Rajin mengatasi

bijak ! So there is nothing impossible as long as we keep trying and never

give up. Don't just say it, PROVE IT ! Action speaks louder than words !

Rabbiyassir wa la tu'assir, Rabbitammim bikhair :D [Doa agar

urusan dipermudahkan, InsyaAllah] ~


Ahlan Wa Sahlan !

In English, the meaning of ahlan wa sahlan which is an Arabic word is =


Welcome what ? Welcome distress, difficulty AND most important, تضحية [sacrifice] :) ILOVEYOU =='

I guess you know what I meant. Hehe. Success is bitter. Want to know why

? It is because, every successful person has a painful story because if we

dream high, our effort must be extraordinary to make it reality. There's no

shortcut to success.

^_^ ~ Just want to share,

Recite this Doa after prayer and in any situation =

AYAT KURSI in Surah Al-Baqarah : 255

Furthermore ,

Surah Yusuf : 4

InsyaAllah jika kita amalkan doa ini , dengan izin Allah , dapat

memaniskan wajah kita :)

Actually , ana ada juga teringin untuk jadi macamni =

For the sake of Allah, InsyaAllah :D

Remember dear friends ,

Doa ini pun banyak kelebihan jika kita amalkan dan InsyaAllah dapat mengalahkan

musuh kita. Doa inilah yang Nabi Ibrahim A.S baca semasa dicampakkan ke dalam


Surah Ali-Imran : 173

Before that , I would like to seek your forgiveness if I've ever wronged

you without knowing it. May Allah bless you, dear the one who is reading

this. Together we reach success, yeah !

Akhir sekali, InsyaAllah panjang umur, blog ini akan diconteng lagi :D

Hayya 'alalfalah [ Mari menuju kejayaan] DUNIA & yang penting sekali, AKHIRAT .

Lazimkan solat sunat taubat dan sunnah-sunnah Rasulullah S.A.W ya. May

Allah give the best for us based on our efforts. Ma'assalamah !